miércoles, 30 de julio de 2014

How to integrate technology in our lessons

In class, we were presented two new models related to how integrate technology and teaching, and which main points should be taken into account when using them. It was a really interesting lesson since I have never thought of how closely interconnected teaching and technology are for our students nowadays.

One of the models was TPACK (Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge) which, basically is the interaction of CONTENT, PEDAGOGY AND TECHNOLOGY. The actual fusion of the three is what enables teachers to transform teaching and makes it more accesible to individual learners in their specific contexts. However, it is not only adding technology to the lessons, it also depends upon deep knowledge of how technologies can be used to access and process subject matter and understanding how they can support and enhance learning. If you are interested you can have access to this video in which Koehler & Mishra (TPACK´S theorists) give a conference and provide different examples on how the model should be used appropriately. The picture below summarises, in a clear way, what TPACK is. It also explains the interactions among the components of this model and their characteristics.

On the other hand, the SAMR model (The Substitution Augmentation Modification Redefinition Model) offers a method of seeing how computer technology might impact teaching and learning. At the Substitution level computer technology is used to perform the same task as it was done before the use of computers, for example, students who print out worksheets. Then, at the Augmentation level, computer technology offers an effective tool to perform common tasks such as students taking a quiz using a Google Form instead of using pencil and paper. At the Modification level, common classroom tasks are being accomplished through the use of computer technology and finally, at the Redefinition level, computer technology allows new tasks, that were previously inconceivable, to be carried out. Here you have more examples about which activities you can do at each level.

    So it remains to know, which model will you follow?And why?


http://wwSAMR Model Explained for Teachers ~ Educational Technology and Mobile Learning



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